
Thursday, April 3, 2014


Essential  Quantitative Concepts -  A simple test

1       A rectangle with sides 50 metres by 30 metres 
           A What is the area in square metres? ……m2

           B What is the perimeter length in metres?……m

2       How many millilitres in a half litre?   ..….ml 

3       How many sides has a cube got?     …………. 

4         Convert 900 millilitres to litres.         ………….litres

5       How many millilitres of imazapyr do you have to add to a 16 litre knapsack to                   make up a five percent (5 %)mix? ………….ml

6       You pour 300 ml of Roundup into a 20 litre knapsack. What is the concentration                   expressed as a percentage? ………….% 

7       Walking at a speed of 1 metre per second, how fast are you walking in kilometres per                          hour?                 ………….km/hr

8       Roundup can be applied at 3 litres per hectare. How much Roundup is applied per m2 ?                                                 …………

9         picloram 240 g/litre  herbicide is used in a 1: 1 (Ratio of one to one) mix with                              water.        Express this rate as a percentage. …………..%

10     A spray-operator covers a distance of 30 m in 36 seconds. What is the speed in                                  km/hr?         .......…..  km/hr

11     A spray-tip operates at 250 kPa (Kilopascals). Convert this pressure to bar.                                                                ...……..  bar

12       A spray-tip delivers 0.9 litres/min.

                A What is the flow rate in ml per second? ……….ml/ sec

               B How long would it take to empty a 16 litre knapsack? Only one is correct!!
                                    15.0 minutes ……………
17.8 minutes ……………
16.7 minutes ……………

13       A supervisor counts the number of knapsacks sprayed by each operator per                         day and records the            following information:

                        Operator Knapsacks sprayed per day
                        No 1       9
                        No 2       7
                        No 3       10
                        No 4       6
                        No 5       7
                        No 6       9
                        No 7       7
                        No 8       10
                        No 9       7

               The contractor wants to know the average number of knapsacks sprayed per                          operator per day?            ....………….     Average knapsacks / day 

14           A contractor wants to do a costing on a cut-stump treatment for planning                                 purposes. He wants to               know   how much herbicide mix he will use                         on average per stump. He cuts and treats 50 gum                    stumps and                              finds out that he used four litres. 

              What is the average amount of mix per stump?  ………… 

15        The herbicide imazapyr used for the gum cut-stump treatment costs $40/litre and is used as a 5%  mix with water. Using the information from question 14, how much imazapyr would be used per 1’000 trees and what would it cost ?

A Amount of imazapyr / 1’000 stumps     ....…………..litres 

B Total imazapyr cost / 1’000 stumps       ……………..$'s 

16        An operator uses 1 litre of spray-mix on 50 m2.  What is the spray volume in l /                                                              ha?            Answer …………….litres / ha


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