AREA Square metres vs Metres square.
To avoid confusion here’s an example. A square with sides 5 metres long = 25 square metres ( m2 ) however a block 25 metres square = 625 m2 (25×25). It sound like semantics but believe me I have come across people speaking of a “few thousand metres square” when in fact they mean a few thousand square metres.
Circular Areas.
πr2 the formula for a circular area. So pi at 3.14 x (radius x radius). This could be useful when treating a planting pit with herbicides, a soil fumigant or applying fertilizer. Here’s a Mango tree. The diameter (two times (2x) the radius) within the tree drip-line is say 3 metres so the radius is 1.5 metres. The surface area is 3.14x(1.52 ) = 7.1 m2 . While your at it, take note of the tree shape! A ball or sphere. We are now dealing with a three dimensional object.
VOLUME - millilitres, litres, cubic metres
With area you only consider two dimensions – length and breadth but with volume a third dimension of depth is added.
Most of us are familiar with the term litre. You nip down to the store and buy a litre of milk. As a farmer or smallholder you may need to fill a 25 litre container with fuel. When measuring a quantity less than a litre you use a container with millilitre graduations. You need to know that there are 1’000 millilitres (ml) to a litre.
Cubic metres. There are 1’000 litres to a cubic metre ( m3 ). A water storage tank with a capacity of 5 m3 = 5’000 litres. A tractor-mounted boom-sprayer with a tank capacity of 0,6 m3 = 600 litres.
Take a careful look at the image of the boom-sprayer. Can you see area, volume and speed? Next post I’ll take a look at speed and that funny term per . OH! And don’t forget the Mango tree.
The Philomath
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